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Z- Palette Mania

Since I was a child I can remember being an avid makeup geek ! I'm absolutely obsessed with everything makeup oriented ! I simply can't get enough ! So to say I have a big makeup collection would be an understatement . From learning new techniques of applying makeup to understanding color application over the years I've accumulated quite the collection .

I finally made up my mind that I was going to figure out a way to consolidate all of that makeup so that it doesn't get neglected and also takes up less space . In the past when I ended up purchasing Mac eyeshadow singles they would pile up and I figured out depotting them in the oven and combining them to my Mac palette was an effective solution, but what do you do when you have an abundance of blushes, and eyeshadows and you want to customize your own personal palettes together ?

Enter in the Z-Palette ! This perfect little palette comes in all different colors, shapes, and sizes and can take care of all you makeup needs ! It's a magnetized case and once you depot your makeup you can add the metal pans to the z-palette and get rid of the bulky case .



If you want to see a run down of all my makeup collection transferred into the Z Palettes feel free to watch the video I made below :


You can easily purchase any of the products I mentioned linked below :

The affiliate link I've posted are for your convenience. If you choose to purchase products through these links directly, I may receive a small commission.

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